Let you hear, however briefly, their deadly harmony. This is called markings and its in two parts. One, the last is leveled. The eye witnesses are moved to a yard, a street. The road is made smooth. Two, we have the ability to not regret, not one death and then exactly two even before another. And in this approximate silence we have felt that not regreting has spared us loneliness. Called at the door. You did not tell me about these hours, how thick they were and wounded. I hear myself telling someone to punch me just to figure the order of my beliefs. Someone else in my clothes who would view this and move on. Explain again the conditions that will bring along the morning and what it is here that convenes the night. And then the last poem is called upon living. They shove your feet out of the smokestack kitchen. They narrow the big sea sba a line of your sweat and then they take away your last word and then they take away another. Now you put the keys back in your pocket and now you p
Sister . I am your sister. Oh, dimusi, who is your mother . I am your mother. The day that dawns for you will also dawn for me. The day that you will see, i will also see. I would find my brother, i would comfort him, i would share his fate. When she saw the sisters grief, when anana saw the grief of gestana, she spoke to him gently. Dimusi is no more. I would take you to him, but i do not know the place. Then a fly appeared. The holy fly circled the air above ananas head and spoke, if i tell you where dimusi is, what are you give me . Anana said, if you tell me, i will let you frequent the beer houses and taverns. I will let you dwell among the talk of the wise ones. I will let you dwell among the songs of the minstrals. The fly spoke. Lift your eyes to the edges of the steppe. Lift your eyes to arali. There you will find gestananas brother. There you will find the shepherd, dimusi. Anana and gestanana went to the steppe. They found dimusi weeping. Anana took his and and said, you wil
On the steppe, now he is captured. Once dimusi wandered so freely on the steppe, now he is bound. The ewe gives up her lamb, the goat gives up her kid. My heart plays the reed pipe of mourning. In a place where he once said my mother will ask for me, now he cannot move his hands, now he cannot move his feet. I would see my child. The mother walked to the desolate place. She looked at the slain wild bull. She looked into its face. She said, my child, the face is yours. The spirit has fled. There is mourning in the house. There is grief in the inner chambers. The sister wandered about the city, weeping for her brother. Gestanana wandered about the city, weeping for dimusi. Oh, my brother, who is your sister . I am your sister. Oh, dimusi, who is your mother . I am your mother. The day that dawns for you will also dawn for me. The day that you will see, i will also see. I would find my brother, i would comfort him, i would share his fate. When she saw the sisters grief, when anana saw the
On the steppe, now he is captured. Once dimusi wandered so freely on the steppe, now he is bound. The ewe gives up her lamb, the goat gives up her kid. My heart plays the reed pipe of mourning. In a place where he once said my mother will ask for me, now he cannot move his hands, now he cannot move his feet. I would see my child. The mother walked to the desolate place. She looked at the slain wild bull. She looked into its face. She said, my child, the face is yours. The spirit has fled. There is mourning in the house. There is grief in the inner chambers. The sister wandered about the city, weeping for her brother. Gestanana wandered about the city, weeping for dimusi. Oh, my brother, who is your sister . I am your sister. Oh, dimusi, who is your mother . I am your mother. The day that dawns for you will also dawn for me. The day that you will see, i will also see. I would find my brother, i would comfort him, i would share his fate. When she saw the sisters grief, when anana saw the
On the steppe, now he is captured. Once dimusi wandered so freely on the steppe, now he is bound. The ewe gives up her lamb, the goat gives up her kid. My heart plays the reed pipe of mourning. In a place where he once said my mother will ask for me, now he cannot move his hands, now he cannot move his feet. I would see my child. The mother walked to the desolate place. She looked at the slain wild bull. She looked into its face. She said, my child, the face is yours. The spirit has fled. There is mourning in the house. There is grief in the inner chambers. The sister wandered about the city, weeping for her brother. Gestanana wandered about the city, weeping for dimusi. Oh, my brother, who is your sister . I am your sister. Oh, dimusi, who is your mother . I am your mother. The day that dawns for you will also dawn for me. The day that you will see, i will also see. I would find my brother, i would comfort him, i would share his fate. When she saw the sisters grief, when anana saw the