Developers, builders, contractors, and home renovators looking for new residential housing opportunities of all types and price points should plan to visit the Southern Virginia Regional Housing Summit on Thursday,
There s a saying among people who enjoy planting trees about a three-year process of growth: first year they sleep, second year they creep, third year they leap.
In August of 1969, while recuperating in the hospital in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, George Henderson made a pledge that if and when he returned home, he would work with and dedicate his life to mentoring youth. He returned home in the spring of 1970, met and married Jackie Hearp and the two have been sidekicks for 50 years.
Henderson began working with the youth in the City of Danville as a coach and an official. 50 years later this dynamic duo is ready to step down, leaving a legacy of dedication to the youth of Pittsylvania County and surrounding area.
Henderson began coaching football, baseball and basketball in Pittsylvania County in 1980, and became the Commissioner of The Pittsylvania County Youth Football League in 1981. In 1983, he was approached by Coach Bob Lindsey and asked if Henderson could form a basketball league to conform to the football league and he was subsequently named Commissioner of the Youth Basketball Leagues.