Los debates científicos no responden a una dinámica intelectualista donde basta con escuchar razones para abandonar nuestros marcos conceptuales como si fueran instrumentos.
Father Eugene Hemrick
Do you possess a worldview? If so, what is it?
The German word “Weltanschauung” means worldview. On its importance, Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911), a professor at the University of Berlin, wrote:
“Human beings search for coherence of their lives. They desire a sense of the unity, their view of natural order, their understanding of human life, and their set of moral values and religious beliefs. This understanding of the whole is one’s Weltanschauung.
“It is the frame of reference in which one, on the basis of a perception of the world, questions meaning and significance of the world and which are resolved the ideal, the good, and the most important standard by which one conducts one’s life are derived.”