A former student of a wilderness camp where a boy recently died is suing, alleging staff dismissed her claims of sexual assault and denied her basic necessities.
it s a good time to buy. looking for a quiet place surrounded by nature with an infamous name attached to it. 1.5 acres in montana, $69,000. it belonged to former unibomber. he was captured in 199 sick. by the way, if you re interested the cabin is not included. it s on display at the museum in washington, d.c. it will be through next year. we were talking about this morning like this is kind of creepy. we thought we could pitch in, buy the land for motivational retreats for the team. what do you think? i think that s a great idea. i guess we can catch up on our wilderness training. exactly. boy. something creepy about that. i don t know. thanks, carter. let s look at other stories. don t worry about taxes going up according to mitch mcconnell. he expects a deal soon that