DNR uses Instagram Live to teach women how to fly fish, turkey hunt
Updated Mar 04, 2021;
Posted Mar 04, 2021
A Becoming an Outdoorswoman snowshoeing class on a February afternoon at the Bay Cliff Health Camp in Marquette County. Photo courtesy Michigan DNR
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LANSING, MICH. Women looking to learn new outdoor skills can find free workshops hosted on Instagram by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources this month.
During the next several weeks, the DNR’s popular Becoming an Outdoorswoman (BOW) programing will hold a variety of outdoors skills classes over Instagram Live, with topics including beginner snowshoeing, turkey hunting, fire-starting basics, fly fishing, and wilderness backpack preparation.
DNR to offer Becoming an Outdoorswoman Instagram live events
DNR to offer Becoming an Outdoorswoman Instagram live eventsContact: John Pepin (Media), 906-226-1352; Michelle Zellar (BOW), 906-293-5131, Ext 4004 Agency: Natural Resources
March 4, 2021
From snowshoeing and fire starting to wilderness survival, turkey hunting and fly fishing, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ Becoming an Outdoors Woman program is offering some great educational experiences over the next several weeks. The DNR’s BOW program gives women, 18 and older, an opportunity to improve their outdoors skills in a relaxed, noncompetitive atmosphere.
Typically, a BOW winter weekend event is held in February and a summer session is staged in June. This year, the DNR was forced to cancel the February session given coronavirus restrictions. A decision on the summer program will be made in the weeks to come.