On Friday, March 29, the national Vietnam Veteran Recognition Day, members of the Wild Horse Trail Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution hosted a luncheon to honor the area's Vietnam veterans at the VFW Hall in Sandpoint.
The Carson City Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department will host January s Full Moon Hike on the Wild Horse Trail this Friday, Jan. 10. Not only will the hike feature some wild horses and the "Wolf Moon" it will also be a celebration of Carson City s first Winter Trails Day.
Who hasn t been enjoying life at home without the air conditioner or swamp cooler running? Sooner or later that will change, but for now, enjoy the moment. Heading into Thursday, May 30, 2019, you can take a bike ride with local dignitaries or stroll through the capital grounds. If you re a job seeker there s an employment fair at Max Casino.
Heading into the weekend, there’s a mountain of activities around the Carson City region over the next three days. Events include the Nevada Artists Association New Year’s Show, and there’s a historical Curry family presentation at the Nevada State Museum. Famed country rock band I See Hawks in L.A.
Due to the popularity of the Scorpion Search, Park Rangers have opened up a second Team Scorpion Search event scheduled for Friday, July 28, 2023 from 9 to 10 pm. Online registration is required for both Scorpion Search events.