Tweetchat handle: You can use #eWEEKChat to follow/participate via Twitter itself, but it’s easier and more efficient to use the real-time chat room link at CrowdChat. Instructions are on that page; log in at the top right, use your Twitter handle to register, and the chat begins promptly at 11am PT. The page will come alive at that time with the real-time discussion. You can join in or simply watch the discussion as it is created. Special thanks to John Furrier of for developing the CrowdChat app.
Our in-chat experts will include:
Eric Kavanagh, CEO of The Bloor Group and host of DM (Data Management) Radio;
that s stated, we ll respond as appropriate. that speaks to the notion of a counterreport. they might do it. if they don t find cause, perhaps they won t. alexi? the idea of a counterreport is the least surprising thing. i would imagine we d get tweets if they don t release the report. the other thing about rudy giuliani, i think it s interesting. we reported last weekend that he sort of has this vanishing act. we haven t seen him since january 20th. that s when he made the ridiculous comment about the trump tower moscow deal talks lasting longer than the president said it lasted. we know that rudy giuliani when he talks about these things can implicate the president in things he doesn t want to be implicated in, but part of his role is to undermine public confident in the mueller report. i m not surprised he s making wild guesses. mueller knows more than any of us know. the point of public confidence in the mueller report
he s going to announce an effort on that this week. you heard pam bondi conduct she s conducting anti-fraud when local laws in place. both is the answer. i can tell you neither officials, the attorney general of the united states or the attorney general or attorneys general of the states will tolerate gouging. that s something that people ought to think twice about. there s the possibility of a third and fourth supplemental for disaster relief. can you tell me if you ll put language for cap flood edge in that legislation? the first point, no. the reason we pursued this approach, we have to make sure we have responsible estimates as opposed to making wild guesses. we re going for the amount of money we need to get through this phase and as we transition to recovery, we ll see how much money we night need and go for another responsible request. if we got that wrong, we go for another if necessary. it s not necessarily wrong. if we estimate and find actuals