A long-standing urban legend claims Resident Evil 4's Leon S. Kennedy is an Italian immigrant. We went down way too large a rabbit hole to find the truth.
he spends as much time inflorid. new york as he does down in florida. so i don t think that s goingi o to be an issue. i think governor desantisin is just trying to scoreg some points. thereto se points. i will say this.sed on i mean, this case is based on a witness who who s a bigger liar than than alex murdaugh and there is so much exculpatory evidence. in newatory evidence. and i think in new york there is a duty to disclose exculpatory information to the grand jury. exc and there s all kinds ofulpato e ethical canons around frivolouso prosecutions. so i go back to that. this is an you know, this is ancution unethical prosecution to start with . w ith. if he wereso if he were to figh extradition, they they would he would have every basis to do so. yeah, i thinkesponsib the professional code of responsibility in new york , ork, ii think bragg is going toe a lot of lot to answer for. and he should be sanctioned. iki and i agree, if this looks like what it looks like right now, h