they can t tell us how, they are just lying. maybe it was the most secure but we have the right decipher our self. period. we have an absolute god given right. in fact we need to because we have an election coming up and an election after that two years later and if we are going to have confidence in the outcome of those elections and we pray we do then we need to be absolutely certain we know what happened in 2020. there is a long preamble to our next interview which was wih catherine pingel bread. she is conducting what seems to us like an entirely legitimate, cool-headed investigation into the 2020 election and we are happy to have her join us tonight to tell us some of what she found. thanks for coming on. this is a great topic and i hope we can discuss at greater length in a different venue but give us the highlights of what you found. sure, well, you laid it out. there was so much inconsistency in 2020 and we, checks and balances being removed left and right, you can t help but
transgender women into prisons thinking, knowing this would happen. people have sexual relations in prison, usually women and women and now women with a and the problem is the liability. my question iss what s wrong wih your profession? i feel like the idea they have is all crime is mental health and to put somebody with the health in a prison a somebody who worked in a psychiatric hospital, all crime is not meant to help, it s not. there are criminals out there. crazy, right? there are people who aren t crazy but it s what they need and you can deal with that some sort of facility but not ankle bracelets. greg: i was thinking about this the other day if it s strange the idea somehow it s better to
comets wih lcod air. it was the colstde aftneroon er recorded s ineattleay tod 2at5 grdeees. bigsllin, uyo only hit 1 degree, an tdhatht s ear wmest you could get. thope posite for the south, you wille havyour thotest temperaturvees er corerded in an aftern toonomorrow.ho us82ton ,tl aan 7ta3 and all atth heat bblubesp u and leads toa ntpoteial forev sere weather foacr plesik le ismsissippi, alaabam and tenssneee into your o dayn wedadnesy. youan c e tven rule out the psiosbityli for a tornado. we ve seen itap hrepen cy.entl there s the poslisibitagy ain moraj ceomne wedsd.ay all yours. lnione, thank youmu so chn o the too rnadwatch. aol corado judge todayed schuled a nja 1uary3 ahering to conrside a request from prosecuto trso reduce 1 the10 yeair prson sent oencef a trucdrk iver whose brakes fd ailebefore a 2019 crh atth killed four people in suburdeban nver. is sentence s hadrawn ouagtre acssro t ar 5ly million peosiple gnde annline petition skieeng
cnn law enforcement analyst. and capitol police officer harry dunn was repeated ly treated wih racial slurs. i m sorry. we were rewatching that. it was just remarkable to sort of relive it all. i can t imagine what it is like for you. it was something else. i mean, it was a difficult day. it was a difficult year. but reflecting on that now it is a mixed bag for me. in a lot of ways, i m incredibly proud not only of my actions that day but the actions of countless uniformed law enforcement officers. i m incredibly proud of the efforts by the fbi other agencies who have really pursued justice, no the just for us but for the entire country.
things have become so bad under biden that even jen psaki is now suggesting kickboxing orw margaritas to ease the pain. you re going to need an awfulf lot of margaritas. take look, you ve got to stay at it. so my advice to everyone outs there is frustrated, sad, angry, off feel those emotions ,go to kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you need to doad this weekend, and then wake upen on mondaywe morning. we ve got to keep fighting. okay, we ll drink margaritas all weekend and act like it wasn t a disastrous week. tr joining us now with reaction, former senior adviser to president trump steven n miller, along with fox news contributor miranda devine. you know,ente i went through wih president trump last night, steve, in the first year of his administration versus the firstar biden. you couldn t have a more distinct difference than that . the accomplishments even under fire every second, every minute, every hour of every day that president trump had. now the question is, do