But first, apple analysts have lowered iphone x shipment projections for the next quarter citing weak demand late in the , holiday season. Iphone sales have declined by 10 Million Units next quarter. Other analysts cite the iphones high price and a lack of groundbreaking innovations. We talked about that to Bloomberg Technologys alex webb. Alex the iphone x was released six weeks after the iphone 8. And so there was a fear that maybe if they got too close to the release date of samsungs next highend smartphone which will probably come in march, there would not be enough demand to sustain the demand they otherwise have to get. Cory competition is another part of this . Alex exactly. Particularly in china, a lot of the local manufacturers are coming out with products now which have a better price point than what apple is able to offer but have similar very , similar features. Nobody quite yet has the Face Identification or the sensor that the iphone has. Some of these analysts were writi