the only thing she was able to tell me was a brief description of what the suspects who first entered the house looked like. kay had not recognized that man at the time. only later did she realize she might have seen him once, several months earlier. joe had been a scientist, a husband and a father, but he was also a landlord. and kay thought the man might be related to the tenants at the town house they owned. i found a family member who could match the description of what kay gave me in her initial statement. checking more into this person, i found he had a warrant out for us. what was his name? randy tundidor jr.. and with that name, the investigation was now heading from the loving morrissey family, to the other family in the story. randy tundidor jr. was 21 into drugs, with an arrest warrant for violating his probation and a burglary wrap. did you go talk? we couldn t find him.
three of them got into one of the morrissey s cars, leaving their five-year-old son asleep in the house. along with whoever had been on the walkie talkie. on their way to the bank, joe drove. once there, kay managed to get them to park in view of the atm camera. as you can see on this tape, then, the assailant told kay what to do next. get out of the car. go get the money. go get the money. he said if you do anything stupid, i have your gun, your kid and your husband. the man wanted $5,000. so i tried the 5, 000, i try 2000, and then i tried 500. $100 more. and i kept saying no. it was not allowed any more money. that s what the machine said? yes. and how much did you end up getting? $500. after that, kay said they
sharp to free her feet, kay hobbled to a nearby bathroom. i took everything out of the drawers, created a huge mess, i could not find the scissors so i called patrick, and i said to patrick, you have to be a big boy, you have to help mommy. and he did. kay told him where to find a pair of scissors, and patrick brought them to her, cutting the zip tie was difficult, but kay was finally able to do it. the five-year-old boy, had saved his mother. then, she had another job for her son. so i said patrick, please, go across the street, knock on the door. mommy will stay here, do it for
murder. he faced the death penalty. kay desperately wanted to make sure he received it. and her testimony in court was powerful. i was like, scared. he never answered me. on the stand, randy jr. told the jury how his dad intended to inflict even more harm on the morrissey family. he wanted to kill mrs. morrissey and her son. he said, they got to go to. i told them no. i just told him i can t do that. can t do what? i can t kill the kid and his mom. randy sr. s primary defense was that he was not involved. the father went far beyond that. he went to trial and he buried both of his sons. at or he tried to. because it wasn t just jr. on trial. it was that shawn was the other person in involved. it was shawn trying to steal my business. he can t ever accept responsibility for anything. in court randy jr. lashed out at his father. the fact that he was sit here and say that it was me and my brother who did this and planned this, i feel like that s wrong. you shouldn t do
mommy. please, i need to help daddy. memory your karate moves, your kung fu kicks. please, kick the door. kay saw the neighbor s door open, and patrick run in. he knew she was safe, one family member taking care. of now kay we re on a mission to save joe. she would not leave him behind, no matter what the risk. and then, you ran back into a burning house? yes, i ran back in there. and when i saw joe, it was so hard to pick him up. i remember so many wounds, so much damage to his body, i could not even think anymore. kay managed to drag joe out of the burning house, on to the patio. she held out hope that while joe was badly injured, he was still alive. paramedics arrived but there was nothing that they could do for joe morrissey. kay s beloved husband was gone, at the age of only 46. that was the last time i saw him. you saved yourself? you saved your son? but i did not save joe. i just couldn t. it was the most horrible thing to ever happen to me, to learn he was dead.