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house and what you saw as our national security threat. the name of the book is war by other means. a general in the trump white house. why do you as a general work and general kelly and general mattis didn t? well, i think part of it is because i think i understood the president better than they did. i had a chance by being on the 2015, 2016 campaign. i saw the man who really was. in fact the title of the book my daughter wanted to be behind closed doors. requests she said, dad, you are telling stories about a president that most people don t see when the lights come on. you saw a man introspective could make decisions really fast and hard good decisions. his instincts were off the chart. they were wicked good. and he just kind of knew people and he knew the populist view of the united states of america. above all, he was an american. he was uniquely american and he really believed in america. he believed in the people in washington and kansas not necessarily the people in washingt