Elderly Wichita Falls Couple Busted Trying to Steal from Walmart
Don t mind us.
I remember there was a classic bit on Seinfeld where Jerry s Uncle Leo (HELLO) was busted stealing a book by Jerry. He told him that senior citizens steal all the time. If they get busted, they just act confused. Would someone actually do that in real life? Well.welcome to Wichita Falls, Texas. Where anything is possible.
Monday night, Wichita Falls police were called out to the Walmart off of Central Freeway about a possible theft. Employees said they followed these two around the store since they knew they had ALLEGEDLY stolen before from the store. What the couple did was go to a self checkout.
This lady was taking a test drive whether the dealership liked it or not.
On Monday, the Wichita Falls Police got a call from the Ford House that someone took a brand new 2020 Lincoln off of the lot. 28-year-old Brittany LaShay Smith was at the Ford House and was trying to purchase another vehicle but could not be financed. She asked if she could take that 2020 Lincoln for a test drive.
A manager said Smith was acting suspicious, so she was not allowed a test drive. She then asked for a key from a salesperson so she could see the instrument panel and take a photo of it. I know I won t by a car unless that is one shiny instrument panel. She started it up and then allegedly drove off the lot dragging the salesperson along with her.
I have no idea what is going on in this guy s life, but you can t steal from people that depend on those tips for living.
I truly believe everyone in their life should work a server type of position at some point in your life. You will see how important those tips really are to your paycheck. Never in my life would I EVER think about stealing someone s tips. Sadly, it happens far too often and I actually hear about it a lot in Wichita Falls.
Most of the time the footage or photo is unclear of the suspect. At 8th Street Coffee House in downtown Wichita Falls, they got a real good shot of the guy. If anyone knows this guy, you can call tips into CrimeStoppers at 940-322-9888. They also have a P3 tips app for Google Play or Apple if you would like to submit a tip that way.