increase production, he washe ws told they would decrease it. t they saided he said, okay, canto you wait to announce it for a month until after the midterm ? now, if that was a guy with them last name trump or the santos, what would that be called? collusion? well, yeah. i mean, literally, h e would have been impeached if, he wou the democrat standard would apply to him. be, they impeach donald thump based on a phone call to ukraine about ukraine.e to so obviously, we know that the coalition don t mismanage w the money. that s what it was aboutit and there has been a lot of mismanagement that was absolutely valid concern that he had. how are i lived in southwest florida, you know, for a while. i m on the east coast now and not full time. but i m coming. i m moving. and thank you, you know, and iy will not vote like the average new yorker , i ll tell you that. but i told sean before, because i ve been bugging him about doing this for years. i m like, why don t yoid whyu cn