Two episodes left before KBS' Wednesday-Thursday drama "If You Wish Upon Me" concludes this week. However, Yoon Gyeo Rye (Ji Chang Wook) has to make a major decision in his life. Curious about what might happen in "If You Wish Upon Me" episode 15? Then read on.
#IfYouWishUponMe #IfYouWishUponMeEpisode15 #JiChangWook
In "If You Wish Upon Me" episode 10, Seo Yeon Joo (Choi Sooyoung) saved Yoon Gyeo Rye (Ji Chang Wook) from the gang chasing him. He also returned to Woori Hospice Hospital and got closer to Kang Tae Sik (Sung Dong Il).
#IfYouWishUponMe #IfYouWishUponMeEpisode10 #SungDongIl #JiChangWook