shred the constitution, shred the fourth amendment to spy on the trump campaign associate and they are the people in charge of looking into russian collusion? exactly. they lied to the fisa court and mr. rosenstein signed the application, and mr. comey signed the applications. others who signed those applications as well, whose names have been redacted. we need to know who those people are. the investigations that mr. mueller started should have been of those people and never of the trump campaign at all. it s egregious government misconduct. the mueller witch-hunt should be ended immediately and the entire team disbanded. they are the ones that should be investigated. sean: will the law be followed? i don t know, sean, i mean, i m still concerned about mr. barr s personal relationshiph with mr. mueller. sean: so am i. you are not? no. look, the bottom line here there was no trump collusion but there was hillary fbi department of justice collusion and four people on mueller s
with the hill s john solomon breaking the news bruce ohr under oath in congressional testimony revealing to high ranking doj fbi officials that christopher steelete and his dossier was in fact corrected and paid for by clinton. very well would be politically biased. our own gregg jarrett now explores the major legal consequenceses of this in his, mueller s team knew dossier kicking off trump investigation was biased and defective. here to discuss details of the number one best seller, russia hoax: the illicit scheme to clear hillary clinton and frame donald trump, ru gregg jarrett. former prosecutor sidney powell is with us. gregg, let s start with your column. in august of 2016, bruce ohr warns everybody, all the people in the fbi, upper echelon
sidney, let me go to you. you know a lot about andrew weissmann because you wrote about him. he is mueller s pit he knew about this and they are looking into russia collusion and they never touch this? sean, i m sure mr. weissmann was very involved and might have helped draft the fisa applications. he would have known about it from the first conversation he had with christopher steele. this kindin of fabrication is right up mr. weissmann s alley as you know from reading license to lie yourself. he is very good at making up crimes and the factual narrative he wants to suit whatever crime he wants to charge. that s his standard operating procedure. while he has the evidence that shows people are innocent. sean: it gets worse. remember, bruce ohr, after steele is fired for lying and leaking by the fbi, they still wanted more
i look forward to it and that s we should think about. we should be standing up for women all over the world and their rights and freedoms. sean: thank you both. we will be watching this crazy fest on some of the leaders at least on saturday. all right. when we come back, hannity watch on the deep state. and we have big development yesterday. we now have new information tonight, mueller and his team, they knew, like the fbi and the doj, that the dossier was dirty from day one and they still used it in the fisa warrant. gregg jarrett with new, explosive details straight ahead. [peaceful acoustic guitar] (male announcer) we know these memories will last longer than the wrapping paper. we know there s some things you just can t put a bow on. we know the best gift of all is still out there. we know the great outdoors. we love the great outdoors. bass pro shops and cabela s where incredible selection,
and doj. and doj. sean: warns them hillary clinton paid for this, biased, and christopher steele hates right. : they knew it s paid for by hillary clinton and do anythingg to stop donald trump.nd they should have dropped it therefore in the trash can. they didn t. they thought it was gold. they don t care if it s phony orf not. we will use it as a pretext to frame donald trump. sean: russian lies paid for. right. who does bruce ohr tell? now confirmed, i have been able to confirm as w well, much of his deposition testimony. he implicates two top officials at the department of justice who are now on the special counsel s team of partisans and two others at the fbi who are on it, who have since left. you have often asked me, why isn t mueller investigating the fbi and doj for hillary russian collusion? i think we now know the answer, fournk people on his own panel f were implicated. sean: including one andrew weissmann we talk about all the time.