government giving you more. martha: that s why i m saying that it looks like the other senator from nevada, senator heller may have touched on something. why don t you trim benefits for the wealthy instead of raising taxes on the wealthy. it sounds like both of you agree on that. how come we can t get the folks in congress to change the tax code, trim benefits, do some means testing. those things resonate with american people. they are just shaking their heads and saying, why isn t that just happening? because they are putting politics before economics, that s it. martha: apparently they are. chris, last thought, then we ve got to go. gretchen and i aren t standing for election but we agree on that. i think simpson bowles was very clear. it needs to be revisited in the congress judge why doesn t the president go back to similar on bowles, chris. the president has been pointing to simpson bowles a lot. he had the opportunity to push for it, he didn t. so did ryan and ryan vote