it all in two months and then the social worker is going to go on tv and say the children are new york times reporter will go on and say, you re goinn to let this woman s children starve? it s not their fault. and we have a whole new program. here is what you re going to have. somebody who smokes it up in tho first two weeks. all right? he s got another two weeks before there is going to be a new deposit in his monthly account and he said gee, i don h have any money. all right. he doesn t have the option of going to a social worker. you know who he has to go to? he has to go to the hee h lives around and say, i really need help. and they re in a position to say we aren t going to let you die, but it s time to get your act together. we will introduce once again the kinds of human connections thato are the only way to change human behavior. some who don t find those connections will die in the street and there will be the united states has in the the never let people die in t
but what would happen first time somebody starves? they say charity.b charles murray, you wrote losing ground. what s yourri answer? well, in fact, i think if weh got rid of the entire welfare state, that the ability of thise very wealthy society to be able deal with problems would work.ah but i also would say i m going to go wimpy on you. don t applaud. i m about to go wimpy on you. i don t think it is within the realm of possibility for an industrialized, advanced societs with as much wealth as we have to ever do that politically. and i think that libertarians are going to have to strike a grand compromise with the left.t in effect saying, all right. wend will give you a big spendif if youf will give us freedom frm
will increase economicus development. the community will rally around it and we ll all be richer. they say they ll pay for themselves. they don t. in atlanta, the county would receive $200,000 per year in parking revenue. they got 30,000. right. that s for the guinnet county. it will pay for itselfl from day one. right. absolutely. these facilities never do and the thing that is so frustrating for me to see this is it s beenn studied so much.t economists like you have explained it. you say gee, the football team has eight home games a year.e how is that going to be economig stimulus? let s go back to the bread and circuses comment that. is not a positive comment about human species. that s saying they re being placated. oh, give them bread and circuses. they re giving up freedoms because politicians gave them what they wanted. i think citizens today like sports. sports are popular. so youp say well, why don t ia
change the world. question it once and we re going to do it again. we are going to be the leaders. you of all people should know, don t look at the superficial. look at the substance. we ve got the substance. that s why we re going to ultimately win. i admire this is the optimism that makes america possible. matt, what about my libertarian slur? i look at your side burns and i think people would say, this is not a normal guy.hte definitely guilty as charged. you go to 1,000 of these meetings. are the people different? how? we re different because we have read books and we do care. but social awkwardness is not aa sin in the defense of liberty.