Yes, it appears that when our Successful African American men married one of those leftover She Devil/ Snow bunny European American women, they become the weakest link in that bi-racial relationship resulting in their life becoming a living hell and their careers hanging from a thread due to the control, manipulation and ulterior motive of leftover Caucasian women who are stealing all the saucerful good brothers from our professional, educated, career oriented, black women of America. Sadly, our black men of America have not learned from the mistakes of many successful black men that have lost everything after getting involved in a relationship or entanglement with a leftover European American woman.
Yes, it appears that when our Successful African American men married one of those leftover She Devil/ Snow bunny European American women, they become the weakest link in that bi-racial relationship resulting in their life becoming a living hell and their careers hanging from a thread due to the control, manipulation and ulterior motive of leftover Caucasian women who are stealing all the saucerful good brothers from our professional, educated, career oriented, black women of America. Sadly, our black men of America have not learned from the mistakes of many successful black men that have lost everything after getting involved in a relationship or entanglement with a leftover European American woman.