reputation of the press overall? you say no. why? i m not sure you re quoting me accurately there. okay. what did you lemean by that? when you think about your decisions, you think about your responsibility to your readers. no doubt. i absolutely what about journalism in general? i think we have an obligation to our readers to be honest and transparent with our readers, if we start thinking of ourselves as public relations people, that s a big mistake. i understood when we did this that certainly some of my colleagues in the media would not think this was a good call, and that but that i do i think that, particularly in the sort of brand of media i think we represent, you know, the presumption is transparency, the presumption is you publish things. you have to have really strong argument to suppress a document why is that suppress that information. i understand transparency, why isn t what should come true, first, truth or tranarency? it is a luxury to
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