with no end in sight. jacob soboroff, nbc news. we have more to tell you about when we come back. from the ipod to the airpod, the imac t to the apple watch, will apple s latest vision of the future chanange how we see virtual realitity? i m a veteteran of 23 3 year. i served t three oversrseas to. i love t to give bacack to thehe communityty. i offefer what i c can when i i can. i ststarted notiticing mymy memory wawas slipping. i saw a prprevagen comommercl and i didid some resesearch on. i stararted takingng prevagn about t three yearars ago. i feel c clearer in n my thoug, mymy memory hahas improvedd and generarally just more on n point. prevagagen. at stotores everye wiwithout a prprescription. narrator: : the man wiwith the e troublesomome hemorrhod entersrs the room.m. phil: excucuse me? hillllary: thatat wasn t meme. narratoror: said hilillary, whs onlyly taken 34747 steps todo. hihillary: i cycled h here. narrrrator: speaeaking of cycy, mary s pereriod is d due to starart in
narrator: : the man wiwith the e troublesomome hemorrhod entersrs the room.m. phil: excucuse me? hillllary: thatat wasn t meme. narratoror: said hilillary, whs onlyly taken 34747 steps todo. hihillary: i cycled h here. narrrrator: speaeaking of cycy, mary s pereriod is d due to starart in threeee. mary: how w do they knknow so m much about t us? nanarrator: your allll sharing h health da withouout realizining it. ththat s how i i know about kevivin s rash.. whwho s next?? waitit. what s s that in y r hahand? no, , no, stop!! oh y you re no f fun. [lock k clicks shuhut] my momom says thatat breyers is made wiwith real mimilk. i i think i cacan hear thehe m. breyers s natural vavanilla is made e with 100% % grade a milklk and creamam. and only s sustainablyly farmrmed vanillala. better s starts withth breyer.
this has been medifacts for head & shoulders. i i brought inin ensure mamx prototein with 3 30g of proto. those e who tried d me felt more energrgy in just t two wee. uh.. herere i ll takeke that. -everyone:e: woo hoo!! ensusure max prorotein with 30 grgrams of prorotein, one gram o of sugar. enter ththe nourisishing momes giveawaway for a c chance to n $10,00000. (vo) ththis is sadidie. she s o on v, and shshe has the e new myplanae shshe gets exaxactly what t shes giveawaway for a c chance to n and onlyly pays for r what se needs. she pipicks only t the perks se wantnts and saveves on everyry! all wiwith an incrcredible nw iphonene. get iphohone 14 pro o on us wheu swititch. it s your vererizon. yoyou ve e evolved. yoyou ve c changed. so have wewe. thatat s whwhy new doveve bodyh now hahas 24-hourr renewing m micro moiststure for contntinuous carare. new w dove body y wash. renewing m micro moiststure for contntinuous carare. change i is beauautiful. (man) what if f my type 2 2 diabe
phil:: excuse me? hillllary: thatat wasn t me. narratoror: said hilillary, whs onlyly taken 34747 steps todo. hihillary: i cycled h here. narrrrator: speaeaking of cycy, mary s pereriod is d due to starart in threeee. mary: how w do they knknow so m much about t us? nanarrator: your allll sharing h health da withouout realizining it. ththat s how i i know about kevivin s rash.. whwho s next?? waitit. what s s that in y r hahand? no, , no, stop!! oh y you re no f fun. [lock k clicks shuhut] as somomeone living withth type 2 didiab, i wantnt to kekeep it realal and tatalk about some risisks. with t type 2 diabas you haveve up to 4 t times grgreater risksk of stroke,, heart t attack, oror death. evenen at your a a1c goal, you re s still at ririsk ...which if f ignored could brbring you hehere. .may p put you inn one ofof those.. .or evenen worse. too much?? thatat s the poioint. get t real aboutut your riss and d do somethihing about i. talk to your health care provider about ways to lowe
when we come back, working to preserve america s chinatowns. a new generation s efforts to bring back their neighborhoods. onlyly thing i h have going g. that s whyhy i take kekesimpt. it s t the only b-b-cell treatat fofor rms i cacan take at t e oncece a month.. kesimpmpta was proroven superr at rededucing ththe rate of f relapses actitive lesionsns and slowining disabilility progreression vs a aubagio. don n t take k kesimpta if youou have hepapatitis b and tetell your dodoctor if you havave had it,, asas it could d come back.. kesimpmpta can cauause serios side e effects, includuding infectctions. while nono cases of f pml were repororted in rmsms clinicalal trials, it couould happen.n. tell y your doctoror if you hd oror plan to h have vaccinin, or if you u are or plalan toto become prpregnant. kekesimpta mayay cause a d dece in somome types ofof antibodi. the momost cocommon side e effects arae uppeper respiratatory tractt infefection, heaeadache, and d injection n reactions. ask