are sufficient enough for him to be a candidate for president. that s going to be their choice ultimately an he s going to have to answer those questions hon t honestly on like what happened with the west point point. fox news saying you won t be on the main stage. the average of the national polls is too low to qualify. strong debate performances we know have given new life to candidates. if you re not on the main stage how do you get enough attention and move forward? oh, listen. you know, kate, you have known me for a listening type. i never have trouble getting attention. i ll get attention tuesday night. fact is wherever they put a podium and a camera and a national television audience, i will be there. wherever they ask me to be and i ll debate and talk about the issues. you know, all three of the first debates i was judged as one of the top two or three people in the debate. so the fact is i ll do my job tuesday night no matter where they put me. the folks i feel badly for a
and patients who have undergone massive surgery and may have more surgeries, amputees, there are at least four amputees here at mass general and others across the city. 17 patients in critical condition still and not 24 hours in to this as of yet. also here, talk about heroism, the staff pulling together. there was a doctor here we understand who was running the marathon, came running in to the who n t to respond to what was going on here and we understand that the emergency rooms were flooded with staff, volunteers. there were people on airplanes from out of town who came to this hospital and others to be involved in the rescue operation. here s what one of the doctors had to say about the emotional toll this is taking on him and the staff here. we are all extremely sad. we are suffering emotionally for what happened to the people of boston and many others. at the same time we can t feel
you correct information about where to vote. so you vote at the right precinct table. they tried to repeal that. ohio s election system was already broken. once republicans gained control, they set about making it worse. the cincinnati inquirer which is not a left wing rag just published a big multi-part investigation into the problem of voting in ohio. their investigation is headlined will ohio count your vote. the enquirer found that voting, america s most precious right and the foundation for all others, is a fragile exercise for many ohioans. the problems in ohio s election process quote, call into question both whether every ohioan s vote will be counted november 6th and whether the state always pivotal in races can ensure a timely, accurate, and lawsuit free count. ohio i love you, but your elections are a mess. your election officials cannot come close to guaranteeing that everybody whon t wants to vote
before the accident and after the accident and they will never, ever be the same again. mary jo, tell me. what s your memory of being shot. i knew something happened. i never saw a gun. i turned to my right to walk into the house, and papparently she had a gun in her pocket because the next thing i knew i felt this mass irv explosion on the side of my head and i hon t honestly thought as i wept down i got hit with a baseball bat. it was that quick, that sunday, that explosive. but i had no idea i had been shot. so you have taken a special interest in gabby giffords, and we re going to talk about that, mary jo, right after this break. don t go away.
no one is i think it is time to learn. does your guest know this should be, s listen, this shoud a learning experience. does your guest know, let me make a point, let me make a point. let me make a point. geraldo: make your point. does your guest now that presidents george, washington, and thomaser jefferson were shriners who studied the k and islam and that islam is deeply rooted . [ overlapping speakers ] this should be an opportunity, this is an opportunity to learn. geraldo: stop. a chance to learn. look, you guys. let s break it down really simple. no one is againstuig a mosque. we don t want it on ground zero. that is all we are asking. here you d hon t have to deal with it. move it a couple of blocks and we will all sing kumbaya