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it was eight days, nine days ago we were discussing paul ryan, the article in the new yorker called fuss budget. did you know then he was actually on the fast track to be a pick for the vp? no, we barely talked about it in my interview. the reason i wrote the piece, i wanted to think about what is romney going so do if he wins. if you want to understand what republicans will do if they gain the white house, paul ryan is the guy to understand. it was his policy agenda that you knew romney was going in the direction. i didn t think he would take paul ryan himself. you could have said yes and told us you did i want to be honest. i did say he was a long shot for veep. we re talking all about paul ryan today. in fact, we want to get up close and personal with the congressman. mitt romney says he is very happy with his new running mate, ryan seems genuinely moved by the appointment and at point practically crying with emotion. last night on 60 minutes. paul ryan said
i m suzanne malveaux and this hour in cnn newsroom, we are focusing on paul ryan, mitt romney s choice for vice president. i want to get right to it. paul ryan campaigns today as the number two man on the republican ticket and the man with the plan to remake medicare and medicaid and other programs. critics say it is a plan that will make things worse for the poor and the middle-class. we will also tell you about ryan s personal story and his personal experience. we will examine key parts of the budget plan and the proposed changes to medicare and medicaid. president obama comes out swinging against mitt romney running mate, and the obama campaign calling paul ryan s budget proposal radical. the president says it is the wrong vision for the country, and in iowa a couple of minutes ago, he blasts romney team s economic plan. what is holding us back right now is washington politics. you ve got folks on the other side who think that compromise is a dirty word. and whose main
groups can use tax dollars but religious groups need to be kept separate. in deltona, florida, fox news. shannon: she was the game changer in the 2008 presidential campaign. up next, former alaska governor sarah palin joint us live. we will find out how you she feels about the pick of paul ryan. and she is answering your viewer questions as well. stay with us. [ acoustic guitar: slow ] [ barks ] [ upbeat ] [ barks ] beneful playful life is made with energy-packed wholesome grains. and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day.
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