behind-the-scenes meeting that took place last weekend in new hampshire. it began when an activist, julius jones, talked about the clinton s administration role in promoting mass incarceration. you have been in no uncertain way partially responsible for this, more than most, but now that you understand the consequences, whin your heart h changed that s going to change the direction of this country? and what in you, not your platform, not what you re supposed to say, like how do you actually feel that s different than you did before? i think that there has to be a reckoning. i agree with that. but i also think there has to be some positive vision and plan that you can move people toward. i mean, once you say, you know, this country has still not recovered from its original sin, which is true. once you say that, then the next
have no choice. you have no choice. it turns out while trump is putting this issue back in the news, his position, which may sound extreme, is already totally mainstream within the republican presidential field. turns out rand paul co-sponsored a constitutional amendment to terminate birth right citizenship back in 2011. rick santorum called for it to end in a column this past may. these three said they d support reexamining the policy. even bobby jindal who himself became a natural-born u.s. citizen eligible to run for president thanks to birth right citizenship, tweeted last night, we need to end birth right citizenship or illegal immigrants oichlimmigrant s. now, jindal s parents were here legally, but it s not all clear how that distinction would actually play out or be enforced. trump s plan to end birth right citizenship deals with immigration policy going forward. the real kicker is his plan for the 11-plus million undocumented
that was the most successful senate plan. after 24 hours it went dead because of the same math. zeke emanuel, thank you for the check-in on that whole obamacare plan. thank you. still ahead, the highly anticipated update to our 2016 fantasy candidate draft. first, we ll finally show you the magic moment behind this image that we ve been teasing for 43 minutes and 27 seconds right after this break. feeling intense lower back pain?
immigrants already here living in the u.s. in his own words, they have to go. trump is positioning himself the head of what we ll call the round-them-up caucus, the part of the party that s perfectly comfortable telling millions of americans we re coming for your friends and loved ones and colleagues and coworkers. we re going to lock them up and throw them out of the country. then there s the nominally more moderate ring of the party which is arguing not that trump s approach is wrong, but that it s just impracticable. unrealistic. or as jeb bush told the washington post, quote, a plan needs to be grounded in reality. obviously, there s some ideas that have merit, but the majority of it is really not a workable plan that could ever pass congress. donald trump s eight-page plan is gibberish and unworkable. what he s not doing is embracing a workable system. while that may be correct on the merits, it might not be as extreme as trump s rhetoric as they pointed out on this show l
two candidates did something this week you haven t heard republicans do much lately. they actually talked about obamacare. marco rubio put out an op-ed entitled my plan to fix obamacare, which was light on detail. today scott walker revealed his plan to repeal and replace the law which involved restructuring medicaid and tying tax credits to age rather than income. we ve got a plan that s simple to begin with this it s as simple as this. it starts out with the premise that on my very first day as president of the united states, i will send legislation to the congress to once and for all repeal obamacare entirely. in reality, and this probably won t surprise you, walker is offering something quite less than an actual obamacare alternative. as the a.p. points out, his plan does not include cost figures or an estimate of the number of people who would be covered, making it nearly impossible to compare with the current law. walker s priority likely isn t to actually try to replace ob