enjoy them. she would always say to me, mom, you have to be strong. you have other kids. and i just keep hearing what she said to me. and really she s just propelling us forward with this whole live weiss fund. even when she got the diagnosis. she remained incredibly strong in the fate face of this. she really did. she rarely had times of being down. she rarely complained. like i can t even remember her complaining at all, not to me at least. and she was always so positive. she wouldn t want us to cry. when we would get upset she would be like, don t be sad. she wanted us all to be happy and enjoy our time together. you mentioned the live wise fund. explain what it is for people who don t know. this is a t-shirt, live wise. so we started a fund a couple of months ago in her name just to raise money for brain cancer research. since then we ve changed it. it goes towards brain cancer research and pogo, which is