Evidence. This will set a dangerous precedent where impeachment becomes the norm rather than the exception. Thats not what our Founding Fathers intended. They wanted impeachment to be rare. They set a high bar for impeachment, treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. Alleged abuse of power. The first article is not a high crime and misdemeanor. In fact, its not even a crime. And since there is no concise Legal Definition of abuse of power, the Majority Party in the house can designate nearly any disagreement with the president from now on in impeachment offense. The second article alleged obstruction of congress would produce a similarly dangerous precedent. Asserting executive privilege a practice that began with George Washington is not obstruction of congress. Rather, its a function of the essential checks and balances contemplated under the constitution. Heres what nearly every Grade School Student in america knows, but apparently House Democrats
do not. If congress disagree
you know, i agree. elections are the appropriate venue for public policy disputes, however, we re not talking about a public policy dispute. we re talking about a president who subverted national security by soliciting foreign interference in our elections. the exact thing our founding fathers feared. and the exact circumstance from which they drafted the impeachment clause. our democracy, our constitution deserves standing up for, not donald john trump and i will leave my colleagues with this last thought as they decide how to cast this historic vote. for what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul. i yield back. lady yields back. gentleman from georgia. thank you i yield a minute and a half to the gentleman from texas, mr. goodwin. gentleman is recognized for a minute and a half. thank you, madam speaker. this is the day the founding