facts, the truth about this pandemic, about this virus what we have been saying has been dismissed as misinformation. yet, the people now in charge, you ve got biden putting all his trust in fauci, promoting fauci. fauci and the medical establishment and the democrats who slavishly support them, they have been wrong all along on every single aspect of this pandemic. they told us we had to wear masks because these mask don t work. we know cloth masks don t work and now finally even they admit it we said lockdowns do more harm than good. finally, they admit that we said they shouldn t be shutting the schools, finally two years into it, they are now saying they want the schools open that they won t stand up for the teachers unions in chicago and elsewhere who are keeping them closed. on and on it goes. they have been wrong about everything. they still believe, because it s their ideology that they can micromanage this pandemic. they can do it through top down control. telling businesses w