that made the decision to reduce it to a misdemeanor. what is crazy about this, tyrus, is that new york city cops said this is attempted murder. i m telling you it is attempted murder. now, if they reduced it to a misdemeanor, there will be a public outcry because of they made it essentially bail eligible. now they say they are still investigating. if they are still investigating it, why did they reduce it to a misdemeanor and let the guy out on the street? tyrus: we are still investigating means, oh, wow, people are paying attention to this. who filmed it? you need to look at what the real issue is is intend to. this duty this is not two guys that got into an argument and a fight broke out and a guy got punched in his drawer broke. this is a guy who saw his victim, put gloves on, measured them up, and laid them out. that is intended. that is straight up intent. he planned it and then he did not run away, he did not stand in fear. he stand over him and then casually strolled off.
that s a lot more fun time, right, max? yep, it s life changing timele datapoint. it s a longg lasting treatment for allergic dermatitis. he just one injection givenen by your veterinarian can control allergic. it s four to eight weeks. it s life changing. it s life changing. it in life day after day. now s the time to ask your veterinarian reciter point . good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, we reported on friday joe biden was suffering from such severe dementia during the twenty twenty presidential campaign that his wife and his staff medicated him before his public appearances run. guessing about that, we spoke directly to an eyewitness who saw it happen multiple times. that means that everyone around joe biden has done perfectly well for more than three years, that he is incapable of serving
0 that s a lot more fun time, right, max? yep, it s life changing timele datapoint. it s a longg lasting treatment for allergic dermatitis. he just one injection givenen by your veterinarian can control allergic. it s four to eight weeks. it s life changing. it s life changing. it in life day after day. now s the time to ask your veterinarian reciter point . good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, we reported on friday joe biden was suffering from such severe dementia during the twenty twenty presidential campaign that his wife and his staff medicated him before his public appearances run. guessing about that, we spoke directly to an eyewitness who saw it happen multiple times. that means that everyone around joe biden has done perfectly well for more than three years, that he is incapable of serving as president and yet knowing that they foisted him on the country anyway, why did they do that? well, of course, to carry out a task to carry out the revolution. then the hi
have this group show up from out of town, by the way, all 31 members are not from couer d alene, they re from other places, most of them from out of state, not even from idaho, and so this really rattled the community. but it was discovered by a witness who saw these men, who looked like what he referred to as a little army, getting out of this u-haul and standing around in all of these similar outfits. now we know from their own writing, their own plans, they were intending to disrupt and cause a major problem for those who were gathering just to show love to the lgbtq community. guys? sara sidner, thank you so much. alarming details there, live for us from salt lake city. joining us now is don lemon, who conveniently anchors a show called don lemon tonight on cnn. he s also the author of this is the fire: what i say to my friends about racism.
mostly anonymous, cursing officers out, sometimes threatening officers, including death threats against the police chief. they wouldn t go into many specifics but they say most of those death threats appear to be eight groups from outside calling. the police think most of the calls encouraging officers are commending them are from the local community. police say they did have some generic information before the event that agitators would be true the police also say they were aware of this group, they had seen videos of them online but didn t have any direct contact. they say it was really the call from a citizen who saw what they described as a small army loading into a u-haul at a hotel a the what they were certain would have been a riot. did they have any indication that there was any kind of specific plan that they have, gaudi? yeah, in fact there were