insurgents broke through the wire. that post was on the verbal verge of falling, giving the enemy a perch from which to devastate the base below. against that onslaught, one american held the line. just 22 years old. nearly surrounded. bloodied but unbowed. the soldier we recognize today with our nation s highest military decoration, the medal of honor, staff sergeant ryan pitts. now, i don t want to embarrass ryan but the character he displayed that day was clearly forged early. i m told that in kindergarten, when asked what he wanted to be when he drew up, the drew a picture of a soldier in the fifth grade a teacher sent home a note that described ryan in words that would be familiar to all those who know him today, ryan, she wrote, is a very
special human being. and ryan pitts you see the humility and loyalty that defines america s men and women in uniform. of this medal he says it s not mine alone. it belongs to everybody that was there that day because we did it together. so i want to welcome those who were there that day. ryan s brothers in arms and those who welcome are going to be welcoming him into their ranks. the members of the medal of honor society. we are very proud of them and we are honored by the presence of the families of our fallen heroes as well. we welcome ryan s family. many from new hampshire. including his wonderful wife, amy. i have to take a pause because they are actually celebrating ryan and amy their second anniversary today. as ryan put it, it s going to be tough topping this one. [laughter] but let me just give you a piece of advice as somebody who
held their ground. this medal, ryan says, is an opportunity to tell our story. there was valor everywhere, according to ryan. and so today we also pay tribute to all who served with such valor that day. shielding their wounded buddies with their own bodies, picking up unexploded missiles with their hands and carrying them away. running through the gunfire to reinforce that post. fighting through their injuries and never giving up. helicopter pilots and med-evac crews who came in under heavy fire. said one soldier, never in my career have i seen such bravery and sacrifice. and so i would ask all those who served on the ground and in the air to please stand, those who are here today. [applause]
has been married over 20 years. you should try. [laughter] i m just saying. don t rest on your laurels. after just two years. we welcome their gorgeous son, one-year-old lucas. who ryan is beginning to teach a love for all things new england. of course the red sox and the bruins, and the celtics, and the pats. i want you to try and imagine the extraordinary circumstances in which ryan and his team served. this was the summer of 2008, and this is a time when our forces in afghan were stretched thin and our troops were deployed to isolated outposts. they had just arrived. just days before. and they were still building their very small base, a handful of armored vehicle in fighting positions, foxholes and sanbags. one report later concluded, had
his team were being pounded. almost instantly every one of them was wounded. ryan was hit by shrapnel in the arm and both legs and was bleeding badly. already three american soldiers in that valley had fallen, and then a fourth, as the insurgents moved in, ryan picked up a grenade, pulled the pin, healed the live grenade for a moment, then eat, and hurling it so they couldn t throw it back, and did it again and again. unable to stand, he pulled himself up on his knees and manned a machine gun. soldiers from the base ll made a daring run, dawning bullets and explosions, and joined the defense. but now the enemy was inside the post, so close they were throwing rocks at the americans. so close they came right up to the sandbags. eight american soldiers a had now fallen and ryan pitts was the only living soldier at the post. the enemy was so close ryan could hear their voices. he whispered into thadeow, he