Deep Sidhu was said to be travelling with Reena Rai from Delhi to Punjab when the incident occurred near Pipli toll plaza in Kharkhoda. Deep s car hit a truck on the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal expressway in Haryana s Sonipat district. According to the police, Sidhu had sustained serious head injuries in
Reena Rai, Deep Sidhu s girlfriend, shares FIRST post after Punjabi actor-activist s death - SEE PICS - Deep Sidhu s girlfriend Reena Rai, accompanying him in the car, survived the crash and is out of danger.
Punjabi actor-turned-activist Deep Sidhu died in a tragic road accident on Tuesday. A day before his death, Deep Sidhu was with his girlfriend Reena Rai and the two were celebrating Valentine s Day. Reena had shared a photo with him which has now gone viral on social media.
Deep Sidhu who died in a fatal car accident had sustained serious head injuries. A female friend accompanying him was taken to a hospital where her condition was stable, the police told the news agency. Know all about his girlfriend Reena Rai here!
Who is Deep Sidhu s girlfriend Reena Rai? Know all about actress who was accompanying him during fatal accident - Soon after the news of Deep Sidhu s death came out, pictures of him with Reena Rai went viral on social media, including their Valentine s Day photo.