of the real threats that must be addressed by president obama. reporter: this on a day when iran s supreme leader ruled out international inspections of iranian military sites, threatening the success of the u.s.-led nuclear arms talks. translator: the rude and shameless enemy expects us to make the way open for them to come here and talk and negotiate with our scientists researchers and professors about a scientific progress of the country. it will under no circumstances, be given. reporter: you may recall just lack week the president s administration gave shell the green light to begin exploration in the ocean. it will certainly be a move that has a lot of environmentalists upset. kevin corke live on the north lawn thank you. the postal worker who
bombers. applicants are asked for emergency contact information in the event that they were martyred. he was definitely in control. reporter: bret baier was told that bin laden was not disconnected from reality after the administration communicated after the raid. he was communicating with the members of the wider al qaeda leadership team. reporter: on the 2011 arab spring bin laden celebrates the overthrow of dictators while trashing policy in libya and the secretary of state declared they are worried about the armed muslims krolg muslims controlling the muslim region. the west s position towards the libyan revolution is a weak one. the western courts are weak and their international role is regressing. bin laden s lieutenants call on him to intervene. while the documents seem relevant today, flynn who left