according to w.h.o., cases of covid has spread as efforts spread and stall in several regions. in the past week there have been 1.8 million new infections and about 24,000 deaths across europe. the w.h.o. european director warned in an announcement, quote, we must change our tactics to preventing them from happening in the first place. meanwhile a white house aide who accompanied biden to europe remains quarantined after testing positive for covid-19. he was not in close contact with the president. this positive case comes just days after white house press secretary jen psaki said she got
Neue, spannende Partnerschaft: SFC Energy und Nel aus Norwegen schließen sich zusammen, um das weltweit erste integrierte Elektrolyseur- und Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellensystem für industrielle Märkte zu entwickeln. 18.08.2021