no word from the coroner about what, if anything, she had discovered. brittany could only guess. an agonizing wait began. brittany imagined that night over and over in her head. accident. murder. the bouncer. her dad. toby was still a suspect in some people s eyes. and that s who dana s best friend roxy blamed all these years later when brittany gave her a call. i said, what happened to my mom? and she instantly threw out my dad s name. and i said, why would you say that? just because. i said, well, was my dad there with you guys that night? no. well, then why would you say? because i it i just know. reporter: like some people in dana s family, roxy just couldn t shake the idea that toby might have been behind dana s death. and he certainly had an ugly record. he d even served time for assaulting. brittany. they arrested me for domestic violence. reporter: on your daughter? on my daughter. reporter: but brittany and
no word from the coroner about what, if anything, she had discovered. brittany could only guess. an agonizing wait began. brittany imagined that night over and over in her head. accident. murder. the bouncer. her dad. toby was still a suspect in some people s eyes. and that s who dana s best friend roxy blamed all these years later when brittany gave her a call. i said, what happened to my mom? and she instantly threw out my dad s name. and i said, why would you say that? just because. i said, well, was my dad there with you guys that night? no. well, then why would you say? because i it i just know. reporter: like some people in dana s family, roxy just couldn t shake the idea that toby might have been behind dana s death. and he certainly had an ugly record. he d even served time for assaulting. brittany. they arrested me for domestic violence. reporter: on your daughter? on my daughter. reporter: but brittany and
i started taking the shovel and i started putting dirt back into her grave. reporter: but there was still no word from the coroner about what, if anything, she had discovered. brittany could only guess. an agonizing wait began. brittany imagined that night over and over in her head. accident. murder. the bouncer. her dad. toby was still a suspect in some people s eyes. and that s who dana s best friend roxy blamed all these years later when brittany gave her a call. i said, what happened to my mom? and she instantly threw out my dad s name. and i said, why would you say that? just because. i said, well, was my dad there with you guys that night? no. well, then why would you say? because i it i just know. reporter: like some people in dana s family, roxy just couldn t shake the idea that toby might have been behind dana s death. and he certainly had an ugly record. he d even served time for
reporter: but there was still no word from the coroner about what, if anything, she had discovered. brittany could only guess. an agonizing wait began. brittany imagined that night over and over in her head. accident. murder. the bouncer. her dad. toby was still a suspect in some people s eyes. and that s who dana s best friend roxy blamed all these years later when brittany gave her a call. i said, what happened to my mom? and she instantly threw out my dad s name. and i said, why would you say that? just because. i said, well, was my dad there with you guys that night? no. well, then why would you say? because i it i just know. reporter: like some people in dana s family, roxy just couldn t shake the idea that toby might have been behind dana s death. and he certainly had an ugly record. he d even served time for assaulting. brittany. they arrested me for domestic