WILLIAMSBURG — The Whitley County Tourism Board met last Friday to discuss several items on the agenda including a structure for the Whitley County Fairgrounds.
Judge-Executive Pat White, Jr. called the late R.L. McCullah a dear friend who he would miss before appointing Ronald Canada to fill McCullah s unexpired term. | Photo by Jarrod Mills Ronald Canada appointed to water board to fill position of the late McCullah
By Jarrod Mills
Staff Writer May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021
Judge-Executive Pat White, Jr. called the late R.L. McCullah a dear friend who he would miss before appointing Ronald Canada to fill McCullah s unexpired term. | Photo by Jarrod Mills
WHITLEY COUNTY - During its monthly meeting held Tuesday, the Whitley County Fiscal Court filled the unexpired vacant position on the Cumberland Falls Water Board left by the late R.L. McCullah.