X has a whiteness problem has become a staple of the current identity politics cultural revolution. Wine had its turn. Articles warn, The Wine Industry is Overwhelmingly White.” and they frantically urge, It’s Time to Decolonize Wine and It’s Time: Diversity in Wine . In the two months since the June George Floyd protests, some Black winemakers have called out the racism in their industry, Mother Jones exclaimed. As did commercial real estate, curling, and complaining that things are too white. Headlines like, Climate Activists Confront the Movement s Whiteness Problem, The Enduring Whiteness of the Fed , and Commercial Real Estate has a Whiteness Problem show the sheer scale of Whitenessphobia which is triggered by everything from the Federal Reserve to Greta Thunberg
midterm message on immigration that is resonating with voters in this part of the country? first, i would caution and say we don t know to what extent it is resonating indeed until the election. but as far as that demographic shift to the right that we saw in 2016, trump is definitely tapping into a kind of intersection of economic disadvantage and racial privilege, which is what the term white working class encompasses. within that group, an economic anxiety can be artfully manipulated toward xenophobia and racism. and of course trump has had some success doing so. but i would add not just with that group. white people, at every economic rung, voted for trump at the same rate. there is some delineation along rural/urban lines. i see this as a whiteness
what proof of racists were behind hillary clinton. i apologize for interrupting. i m sick and tired. i don t need to give you a name. youe are wrong because you offr no facts. here again is the narrative. that is all he has to offer. laura: the people who are playing this it s white privilege. we have a whiteness problem in the country. this is mean going around social media. then country is too white. the country is what it is at any given time. it sit black and white and hispanic. i m not white. i know a lot of people who are black who are supporting the president. laura: 36%. and i m tired of you all using the narrative to attack the conservative us and give no facts. laura: it s racist when harvard decides it s going to
go ahead, hereman, what group of raceists were behind hillary clinton? apologize for interrupting but i m sick and tired of people making blanket taments. tell me who it was. i don t have to give you a name. are you wrong, you offer no facts. here, again, it s the narrative that s all he has to offer. laura: the people today who are playing this, it s right privilege, it s white whooef a whiteness problem, there s a meme going around, on social media, the countries is too white. the country is what it is at any given time. it s black, it s white, it s hispanic. i am not white in case you didn t notice, richard. i know a lot of people that are black a supporting this president. i m sick and tired of you using the narrative to basically try and attack the conservatives. laura: you know what i think is racist. i want to be fair to richard, i also think it s racist when harvard decides it s going to penalize asian-americans in its