it s actively calling for violence against cops. jesse: we all don t want innocent lives to be taken in an exchange with law enforcement. no one wants that, black, white, hispanic, but there are four studies to show there is no racial bias in lethal killing. and lethal force is used against white suspect twice as much as on white suspects. the whole premise that white officers are shooting black suspects is just wrong. if you look at the percentage. 13% of america are african-american. 30% of incarcerated women are black women when they only make up 13% of the population of americans.
it s a new kind of network. xfinity mobile. jesse: november 9, 2016, baffled pollsters and members of the main supreme media woke to the reality that president trump had been elected president of the united states. many of his votes came from white working class americans. heartland engagement is an effort to help the left connect with voters in middle america. now a professor is giving a course understanding white americans who don t have college degrees. here to discuss this proposal,
measure how well we are doing. since the revolutionary war life expectancy has gown for every group. but recently it has been going down for every white working class. they are suffering from what the experts call diseases of despair, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and suicide. jesse: that s why the opioid crisis is such a big issue for president trump. let me save you have a little paper on the study tip used to go out on the street in watters world and talk to regular americans. i will explain why i think they voted for donald trump over hillary clinton. obamacare was hammering them. a lot of good-paying jobs left to go overseas. the open border situation was having hispanics come in and undercut their wages. they didn t trust hillary
straight numbers and percentages can be manipulated to show whatever you want. jesse: that s because african-americans commit more violent crime as a percentage of the population than white americans. they are f.b.i. statistics. as a percentage of the population. but i have to run. and i think we can all agree nobody want to see anybody unfairly targeted by law enforcement. thank you very much. the college professor who says white trump voters are so mysterious, they need to be studied in class. it was the wwe video seen around the world. what do wrestling fans think of this? what did you think about this trump cnn wrestling video. i think it s great.
jesse: november 9, 2016, baffled pollsters and members of the main supreme media woke to the reality that president trump had been elected president of the united states. many of his votes came from white working class americans. heartland engagement is an effort to help the left connect with voters in middle america. now a professor is giving a course understanding white americans who don t have college degrees. here to discuss this proposal,