jesse: why does the media try to stoke this anger in the black community? i thought they do it to keep the african-american vote upset at the white establishment and that the system so every four years when elections come around, they are motivated to give it back to the man because the democratic party will be there to protect them against the white supremacist system. i live in california we just tried to recall the governor gavin newsom the l.a. times call the middle-age black man running against them , the new black face of white supremacy. meanwhile larry elder we have no power in my sister s house. my house no power.
jesse: why does the media try to stoke this anger in the black community? i thought they do it to keep the african-american vote upset at the white establishment and that the system so every four years when elections come around, they are motivated to give it back to the man because the democratic party will be there to protect them against the white supremacist system. i live in california we just tried to recall the governor gavin newsom the l.a. times call the middle-age black man running against them , the new black face of white supremacy. meanwhile larry elder we have no power in my sister s house. my house no power.
jesse: why does the media try to stoke this anger in the black community? i thought they do it to keep the african-american vote upset at the white establishment and that the system so every four years when elections come around, they are motivated to give it back to the man because the democratic party will be there to protect them against the white supremacist system. i live in california we just tried to recall the governor gavin newsom the l.a. times call the middle-age black man running against them , the new black face of white supremacy. meanwhile larry elder we have no power in my sister s house. my house no power.
jesse: why does the media try to stoke this anger in the black community? i thought they do it to keep the african-american vote upset at the white establishment and that the system so every four years when elections come around, they are motivated to give it back to the man because the democratic party will be there to protect them against the white supremacist system. i live in california we just tried to recall the governor gavin newsom the l.a. times call the middle-age black man running against them , the new black face of white supremacy. meanwhile larry elder we have no power in my sister s house. my house no power.
promise to radically change how it treats black employees. in an op-ed last year for the new york times, former u.s. diplomat christopher richardson described the myriad of ways in which the state department has ignored its own racial history. by continuing to allow, quote, as he wrote it, an entrenched system of white supremacy to control the advancement and promotion of black employees. secretary of state, tony blinken, swore to remedy the diversity gap upon assuming office, saying, quote, he is 100% committed to equity and inclusion in the state department s ranks. but according to some u.s. din diplomats, that change is not coming fast enough and tensions are growing, particularly among younger employees who fear that senior officials are treating the crisis, quote, with band-aids. with me now is former u.s. diplomat, christopher richardson, who wrote that piece. christopher, thanks for joining us on this. we really appreciate it. i guess i first just want to start with your expe