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Sputnik International
Dismembered Great White Shark Found on Beach May Have Been Killed for Meat
On 5/10/21 at 6:35 AM EDT
The gruesome remains of a dismembered great white shark have been spotted on a beach in New Zealand.
Local non-profit organization White Shark Conservation Trust (WSCT) posted an image of the dead animal a juvenile over the weekend.
The non-profit said the shark appeared to have stab wounds to the head, indicating that it was killed after it was brought to shore at Pilot Bay, Tauranga located on New Zealand s North Island.
Read more Someone must have seen the shark being caught or cut up, WSCT said in a Facebook post accompanying the photo.
Dismembered Great White Shark head found washed up on NZ beach
The New Zealand Department of Conservation is investigating a very unusual event after a juvenile Great White Shark was found killed, for what appears to be its meat.
An image shared by White Shark Conservation Trust on Saturday showed a picture of the shark, which is missing its lower half, in Pilot Bay, Tauranga.
The post said it appeared the shark had been killed to consume, and it also had stab wounds to its head, indicating it had been killed after it was brought to shore.
An image shared by White Shark Conservation Trust on Saturday showed a picture of the shark, which is missing its lower half, in Pilot Bay, Tauranga.(White Shark Conservation Trust)
DOC s shark expert Clinton Duffy said it was “very unusual” for this to happen. “Most people can identify [a Great White Shark] and they leave them on the beach.” Shark can be eaten and Duffy said in this case just the head, pectoral fins and innards were left.
Josh Lonergan
Josh Lonergan managed to video a great white shark as it leapt from the water in the Bay of Plenty. The head being left was unusual as Duffy said normally people took the jaws for their teeth. ”We don t often get them walking away with the bulk of the animal.”