Cola de Mono Is the Chilean Holiday Drink You Need to Finish Out 2020 Zoe Baillargeon
If you’re a proud member of Team Eggnog, there’s another beverage that should be on your radar: Chile’s quintessential Christmas cocktail, the Cola de Mono. A White Russian-esque concoction made with aguardiente, milk, sugar, coffee, and winter spices like clove and cinnamon, the Cola de Mono (which means “monkey’s tail” in Spanish) is the holidays in a cup for Chileans. Traditionally prepared at home for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, each Chilean household has its own special version of the recipe, varying the amounts of each ingredient or adding different spices like nutmeg, vanilla, or cinnamon. There’s no singular way to make Cola de Mono; it just has to taste good to you and your (over the Chilean drinking age of 18) family, and there should be plenty to go around.