The Russian socialist revolution is dead? It died long ago! It died not in December 1991, when the USSR formally ceased to exist, nor in August 1991, when the failure of the attempted coup finally broke the back of what power the "Communist Party" had left. By Sean Matgamna
Among the many enemies facing the Ukrainian anarchists in the Russian Civil War were the French armed forces sent to bolster the counter-revolution in Ukraine. A deserter from these forces describes his encounter with Nestor Makhno and his troops.
Russians and Americans rarely came face to face on the battlefield. However, the bloodiest skirmishes between them took place in the course of the U.S. participation in the Russian Civil War.
In this essay first published in 1930 in France, the founder of the Workers Group denounces the bureaucracy that he claims seized power in a “coup d’état” in 1920 at the Ninth Congress of the CPSU(b) its “latest deception” being its fraudulent appeals for “freedom of criticism” and “self-criticism” after a series of revolts by workers and peasants in the early to mid-1920s and calls for a restoration of proletarian democracy (as exemplified by the Paris Commune) by democratizing the functions exercised by bureaucratic State institutions (production, distribution, oversight) and replacing them with Soviets (“Councils”), cooperatives and trade unions.