Good morning and welcome to the San Francisco county transportation forth. Our clerk is mr. Albertta kintania. Can you please call the role. role call we have a quorum. Next item, please. Item 2, approve the minutes of the december 17, 2019 meeting. This is an action item. Is there any question on december 17, 2019 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Is there a motion to approve said minutes. On that motion made and seconded, a role call, please. role call the item is approved. Next item. Item 3, election of chair and vice chair for the year 2020. This is an action item. Nominations are now in order for the office of chair. Is there a motion, commissioner xi. I would like to make a motion to nominate erin peskin. Seconded. Any other nominations . Nobody wants the job. Seeing none, we will close the nominations and on that motion made and seconded, can we do that same house, same call im sorry, commissioner furer. I meant to put my name on the next item. Same house, same call. Than
Any discussion . Call the question, all in favor . Aye. Any opposed . The motion carryies. Now item number 4, the directors report, executive director Shireen Mcspadden. Good morning and happy new year. Is this mic on . So i feel like we just met because the holidays kind of sucked up much of december, so i dont have a huge amount to report. I was in washington dc the second week of december which was actually after we met last month. And i was there for the meetings and they are the National Association of area agencies on aging. The december meeting is when we put together the policy priorities for the next year. So we spent quite a bit of time working on that and the issues that came up were the ones that you would expect. Things like aging and homelessness, food insecurity, the big kind of big ticket items and basic needs issues that are kind of hitting older adults across the country. So i think everybody was really saying we are experiencing the same issues. There also continues
Year, and we are well into that. And one of the things that im not going to go through every single action, because that would take all morning, and president serina would not appreciate that. [laughter] its difficult to contain my enthusiasm. Right . But i did want to talk about a few highlights. And so im going to go goal by goal and just kind of highlight one or two things in each goal. So goal one, strategy c if you have your plan in front of you, strategy c is to strengthen San Franciscos caregiver network, including enhanced support for Informal Caregivers and supporting a robust provider workforce. Our action was to strengthen processes to enroll and support ihss independent providers. Previously the Service Center was operating in a small office with really inadequate space and we used to have lines down the street, even in the rain and things like that. So this is really better. And its also better because our Service Center, being able to serve providers as well as clients is
Raising the issue of Adequate Police staffing for several years. In june of 2018, the budget and legislative analysts provided this board with a performance audit of the San Francisco Police Department so we could better understand, number one, how the police are deploying police staff that is funded by the general fund and number two, how uniform staff is allocated to administrative versus patrol duties. The recommendations of that audit was that in light of an increase in property crime in our city, accompanying the public demand for more officers in the street, the sanfrancisco Police Department should civilianize as many administrative positions as possible. This is the best practise recognized by major Law Enforcement, including the International Association of chiefs of police and adopted by most major Law Enforcement departments in the country. But San Franciscos racial of swoossworn officers to civilianf remains higher than the National Average or peers. This is why i ask the C
Welcome, good to have you with us on this new years eve tuesday. Our Investment Committee here today, joe, josh, jim and amy is back the chief Investment Officer of Chevy Chase Trust and one of barrons top 50 registered Investment Advisers for 2019 we begin with the markets. Stocks are trying to end a great year with another day in the green. Bouncing from the worst day in four weeks we do have big news today from one of our very own, hes making a move on a stock that hes been a big believer in for a big part of this decade. Josh brown, selling twitter. Im out feels good. First time out since the ipo in 2013. Tell us the reasoning. First of all, happy new year and thank you for ending your no, im telling the viewers, happy new year by the way, this is completely filled with gray goose, so take everything i have to say with a grain of salt. I got out of twitter today with a very small profit. I had been adding in the 20s, i owned some as high as 40 around the ipo. It has not worked out.