WKSU The new white-cheeked gibbons at the Akron Zoo, with Milo (left) and Parker (right), are a matched pair who the zoo hopes will mate in the future.
The Akron Zoo will unveil its new Wild Asia exhibit this weekend, the culmination of seven years of work and a $17 million investment.
Spokeswoman Elena Bell says the project offers different climate zones for some animals that are used to much different temperatures. We ll have a new home for our Sumatran Tigers and Red Pandas. If guests can remember, until 2018 we had a tiger and a Red Panda here so they ll be making their triumphant return. And then we re also going to be introducing a new primate species, the White-Cheeked Gibbon, Bell said.
cathemang uhrc VIENTIANE, March 9 (Vientiane Times/ANN): Some 36 endangered wildlife species, identified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, have been recorded in the Nakai-Nam Theun National Park in central Laos.
The park’s Executive Director, Savanh Chanthakoummane, told Vientiane Times last week that scientists who have been studying wildlife species acknowledge they have been unable to find these species anywhere elsewhere in the world.
In 2020, the Association Anoulak in cooperation with park authorities set up a second large-scale camera-trap wildlife monitoring programme in the national park.
From February to August 2020, the three biodiversity priority zones were surveyed with 133 camera-trap stations spaced roughly 2.5 kilometres apart. Two cameras were installed at each station. In total, 265 cameras were set up of which 255 were operational, according to the association’s annual report for 202