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John Story Special To The Citizen January 27, 2021 - 00:00 Posted in:
Directors of the Columbus Lions Club present the Membership Award to Doug Lilie. Courtesy photo
Lions Clubs exist to serve, and members pride themselves on serving their local communities and people around the world. Occasionally we are reminded that it is dedicated individuals who make that service possible. The Columbus Lions Club recently honored Doug Lilie for his 54 years of illustrious and dedicated service as a Lion with a Lifetime Membership Award. Doug joined the Lions in 1967. To put that in perspective, when Doug became a Lion, Lyndon Johnson was in the White House and he has been a Lion during the administrations of 11 different U. S. presidents. When Doug joined Lions Club, you could mail a letter for five cents, buy a dozen eggs for 49 cents, and fill your tank with 33 cents/gallon gasoline.