me save you some breath. if you re going to ask about this, i am not addressing [inaudible] i know you do. more than i d like you to have. i am not going to address this issue from this podium. i m just not going to do it. [inaudible conversations] thanks, guys. have a great weekend. maria: oh, yeah, no response from the white house to the damning message from hunter biden to the to a chinese executive demanding he keep his, quote, commitment or face retaliation from the big guy. then-vice president joe e biden. and, quote, everybody he knows. coming up, chairman jim jordan on why fbi never followed up on the potential corruption in plain sight. oversight committee members byron donalds and south carolina congresswoman nancy mace on what comes next in their investigation of the biden family influence peddling. all of this as communist china ramps up aggression with plans for a military training and spy center in cuba, 100 # miles away from the florida coast, amidst a we
you know, i m very concerned about this. chaired homeland, i want to know about the special interest aliens coming in likerg chinese foreign nationals and foreign nation adversary with all the chinese comes to thehi united states, what arnee they doing coming in to this country? maria: yeah. lastly again, the spy station in cuba, it s important to note that you ve got u.s. southernou demand.. central command, sitcom n the intelligence task force and all in florida. that s miami, tampa, and key west and guess what s 90 miles off the coast of florida, the spy station and cuba. maria: wow, this sex travionank green ordinary. mr. chairman, thank you for your work on homeland security and t foreign affairs. t we appreciate your time. thank you, maria.ick maria: chairman michael mccaul f joining one day before new damming everyday and biden familydd influenclie peddling that themp
place. i i don t know understand how you lookat at evading taxes on incos buert don t look at where the income came from. yeah, also, maria, think abou, alt this, the attorney gel told us he s going to take as go hands-off approach and david wit back-to-backs, u.s. attorney inh generae l said he asked to get special council status ando turned for goodness sake, if this case doesn t warrant special council status, i don t know whaedot dol they denied that to him so you can t have the attorney general saying i ve taken a hands-off approach and then this happened where he was denied, david win back-to-backs denied special council status and settlement step back and look at this credibility of the whistlewh mr. shapply14 years at irs and e handled some of the biggest cases and anonymous whistle blower with the samed backgrou. these arkie incredible people tu have come forward.. second, attorney general what he said and going to take a hands-off approach and obviouslt h
high crimes, misdemeanors, briberies, treasure or whateverw if the facts show there s the crime there that weren ts impeachment, then by our warrants. impeachment, our dutyu compels us but we need all the facts on the table. they re piling up. 150 suspicious activity reports and 20 companies they re running money there and all kind of biden family members gettingg fo paid and now the whistle blowers and credible whistle blowerse coming through and telling us all these things and it s pilin up. we re driven by the facts and we l cl continue to do our investigation and let mr. comer and oversight committee complete their investigation and look ate all that. if the constitution dictates we go forward, we l l have to goll h forward. we re not there we have tot continue to do the investigation. maria: wha gott specifically dou need to find out further?al lyi mean, you ve got a lot of information here in terms ofu money taken inyo and the fbi and doj slow walking it. i think aga
that is our constitutional dutya to do oversight and helping with legislation and appropriationsdo and gather all the pert nathanial hackette facts. t pertinentho facts. maria: are you getting stone walled to gather the facts? it s always slow withe this administration and we continue to press. we re interviewing every wee ordoing five or six differenttr depositions and tribedntin interviews in congress and we don t to do that and mr. comer has his work and overlap because they deal with the justice department. we re primarilp,y focused on tho fbi and justice department and we ll continue to do t that and get the facts for the americanie people. maria: mr. chairman, thank you, we ll continue to follow it, congressman jim jordan and we ll take a break and talk with adam schiff being censored of years of pushing russian collusion lie and congressman byron donaldsro and congresswoman nancy mace iss