LOS ANGELES Bulleit Frontier Whiskey premiered its short film, A Toast To The Times last night at an environmentally conscious event in Los Angeles. Every part of the celebration was considered to minimize its impact on the Earth, including upcycled furniture, a root to stem menu, and local recycling and compostable partnerships. The event was attended by pioneers across art, sustainability, food and technology and was the first public screening of A Toast To The Times a 90-second short produced in collaboration with GRAMMY nominated spoken word poet, J. Ivy, and filmmaker Carlos Lopez Estrada. The film celebrates those on the
/PRNewswire/ Bulleit Frontier Whiskey premiered its short film, "A Toast To The Times" last night at an environmentally conscious event in Los Angeles..
/CNW/ - Results of the 2023 Canadian Whisky Awards were announced at the Victoria Whisky Festival in Victoria, B.C. For the first time in the thirteen-year.