In 2020, the state of Utah spent more than $6.7 billion in federal funds \u2014 a number that has State Auditor John Dougall concerned about future reliance on federal subsidies.
Spenser Heaps, Deseret News
In the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state of Utah spent more than $6.7 billion in federal funds a number that has State Auditor John Dougall concerned about future reliance on federal subsidies.
Dougall, a Republican, also blasted Congress’ spending in a statement issued along with a report detailing the findings of his office’s 2020 Federal Funds Compliance Audit.
“The magnitude of the ongoing federal subsidy is troubling, due to Congress’ complete disregard for any sense of fiscal responsibility, the increasing dependence of state and local governments on federal subsidies, and the heightened economic and inflationary reactions from the magnitude of irresponsible federal spending,” Dougall said in Tuesday’s statement.
Utah spent $6.74 billion in federal funds in 2020, which represented more than 25% of the state’s total expenditures of $26.63 billion.The staggering number has Utah State Auditor John Dougall concerned about states’ future reliance on federal subsidies.