Indigenous communities are increasingly opposing the exploration plans of Petrobras in the environmentally sensitive area offshore the mouth of the Amazon River.
On December 14, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Freepoint Commodities LLC, a Connecticut-based commodities trader, had agreed to a three-year deferred prosecution.
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Wholesale diesel prices will fall to $0.5019 per liter from $0.5129/l, Petrobras said. Gasoline prices, meanwhile, will decrease to $0.4796/l from $0.4889/l previously. Petrobras had previously increased domestic diesel and gasoline prices on April 16 to offset rising international oil and refined product prices. The diesel and gasoline prices practiced by Petrobras seek balance with the international market and accompany the variations, both up and down, in refined product prices and foreign-exchange rates, Petrobras said. While international oil prices have remained solidly above $60/b in recent weeks, the Brazilian real currency gained about 4.5% against the US dollar to give Petrobras some space to make a move.