Puri police arrested four men in connection with the cracker explosion at Narendra pond near Jagannath Temple during the Chandan Yatra festival. The accused were involved in illegal manufacture and supply of explosives. One more accused is on the run. Special relief commissioner to conduct an inquiry into the incident.
BHUBANESWAR: The Puri police on Monday arrested four men in connection with the May 29 cracker explosion at Narendra pond during the annual Chandan Ya.
Bhaskar Chandra Nayak, an NRI Odia doctor, has promised to donate Rs 1 crore for the construction of a Jagannath temple near his native village in Jajpur district of Odisha.
Bhaskar Chandra Nayak, an NRI Odia doctor, has promised to donate Rs 1 crore for the construction of a Jagannath temple near his native village in Jajpur district of Odisha.Nayak, who has been is serving as a doctor at different hospitals in .