making some money off of that. the point of it was, if you were in my shoes, and your 16-year-old son went to jail and they put him in an adult prison. they put you in the sh whicis a very small, small cell, when you re by yourself, isolated, and when you get a panicked phone call from your son, oh, my gosh, dad, i can t see out, i can t i don t know where i m at, duh duh duh duh duh, and you get calls from duane the dog chapman. that you ve gotta get him out of there. after four or five days he ll start chewing on his own tongue. sometimes, you know, they ll eat worse things, you know, their own feces if they don t get out of there. and what i did on the phone was read to him, you know, the secret, the power of now, eckhart tolle stuff, or the bible to him. i did everything i could including talking about a reality show and we ll get back in front of the camera and we ll turn this into a positive.