Die Feste mit Florian Silbereisen kommen fünf Mal im Jahr, nun feiert der Moderator mit einer «Schlagerstrandparty» seinen 40. Geburstag im TV - live .
neighbors for the incredible support that they give all of the men and women and your families here in pensacola. so we re grateful to you. this is my fourth visit to the gulf coast since the start of this spill. yesterday i was over in gulfport, mississippi, theodore, alabama, and now pensacola, assessing the situation, reviewing the response, seeing what needs to be done better and faster, and talking with folks, whether fishermen, small business people and their families, who are seeing their lives turned upside down by this disaster. here in pensacola, the beautiful beaches are still open. the sand is white, the water is blue. so folks who are looking for a good vacation, they can still come down to pensacola. people need to know that pensacola is still open for business. but that doesn t mean that